Monday, January 22, 2024

Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research.

  •  Rise - Film Opening
This film's opening gave me the idea to use a bunch of up-close zooms to express and capture what the main character is doing. It also helps with knowing when is the right time to use over-the-shoulder shots.

  • Dear Lover
This film opening gave me the idea to use the environment to show where the character is and the surroundings around it, the film opening can also express thoughts or feelings through the environment and the voice-overs 

  • Dare to Thrill
This film opening shows me that using music can show the overall vibe the movie/film is training to maintain. This also shows how zooms and fast cuts can make the video feel faster or more fast pace.
  • Always Watching
The film opening shows me that using ominous music can make the viewer feel a certain way, also small cuts can show the main character's background more effectively.

  • White Coat
This film opening shows me that using coloring can make a scene more diverse, and easy to understand the surrounding area around it.

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