Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Title Sequence Blog Post

 The making of our title sequence will be showing our title name on a whiteboard, in a bold font, the colors will be vibrant to show express happiness.

Challenges in Filming Blog Post

Some challenges in filming include having to retake clips over and over. If the clips don't come out the way you want them to you have to keep doing it until it's perfect. Another challenge is when an idea in the script doesn't work out and you have to change it in the middle of filming.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Representation Blog Post

 The people who are represented in our film is the main character and their friend, both participating in a Secret Santa

- The situation is fair and everyone gets to play a role

- The story will be mostly representing the main character's kindness and affection to others to maintain a well and safe environment.

- There will be no edits to our characters.

Supporting Character analysis Blog Post

  The supporting character is the character that doesn't hold the focus of the storyline

The supporting character in our film would have another character in the film that would do a secret santa with the main character, though the story would be primarily focused on the main character and their perspective of the Secret Santa. They would be wearing Christmas clothing and would have boxes with presents in them. Their overall attitude would be happy.

Main Character analysis Blog Post

 The main character is the central character of a story.

The main character in our film would have another character in the film that would do a secret santa with them, they would be wearing Christmas clothing and would have boxes with presents in them. Their overall attitude would be happy.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Initial Film Opener Storyboard Blog Post

 Our storyboard goes over how we would plan our secret Santa film opener, which goes through all the places and props that we will be using to make this film really come to light.

Preparing to Film Blog Post


Me and Cheryl


We've got our costumes sorted, from vintage Christmas gear to modern holiday outfits from our mood board.


We\will make up some some gifts. From holiday decorations to Secret Santa gifts, each prop helps tell our story.


Finding the perfect places to film was a big job. We scouted different spots over the school, We've got everything from cozy indoors to scenic outdoors to bring the holiday vibe.

Dates and Times:

During our class time.


Our story started with brainstorming and went through lots of drafts, making sure it felt just right. We've put a lot of love into getting each character's journey and the Secret Santa spirit just how we want it.

Film Equipment:


Filming Approach:

We're using a mix of old and new techniques to capture the holiday feel. Handheld shots, steady movements, will help bring the warmth and joy of the season to life. Plus, we're using natural light and festive decorations to make everything feel really Christmassy.

Costuming Blog Post

We've decided that our costumes for the upcoming event will consist of vintage Christmas clothing. This choice perfectly complements our Secret Santa exchange, adding a delightful touch of nostalgia to our festive celebration. Everyone's enthusiasm for this theme promises a visually stunning and heartwarming gathering, creating lasting memories for all involved.

Creative Reflection
